1. goProfiles::CD4LLids
    Entrez identifiers for CD4-TCells example
  2. goProfiles::clustKidneyMF2
    Ready 2 cluster equivalence distance matrix obtained from the analysis of the "Kidney Dataset" at level 2 of the MF ontology
  3. goProfiles::diseaseIds
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  4. goProfiles::dominantIds
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  5. goProfiles::dominantIdsEBI
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  6. goProfiles::dominantIdsNCBI
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  7. goProfiles::drosophilaIds
    Entrez identifiers for genes related with an eye mutation in drosophila
  8. goProfiles::hugoIds
    Entrez Identifiers obtained from the Human Genome Organization
  9. goProfiles::kidneyGeneLists
    Gene-lists related to kidney transplantation rejection
  10. goProfiles::michaudIds
    Entrez identifiers for genes related with an eye mutation in drosophila
  11. goProfiles::morbidmapIds
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  12. goProfiles::ostrinIds
    Entrez identifiers for genes related with an eye mutation in drosophila
  13. goProfiles::recessiveIds
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  14. goProfiles::recessiveIdsEBI
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  15. goProfiles::recessiveIdsNCBI
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  16. goProfiles::singh01EntrezIDs
    Prostate cancer-related genes
  17. goProfiles::singh05EntrezIDs
    Prostate cancer-related genes
  18. goProfiles::welsh01EntrezIDs
    Prostate cancer-related genes
  19. goProfiles::welsh05EntrezIDs
    Prostate cancer-related genes